It is time.  Time for Gift of Life’s annual Secret Santa gift exchange. This is one of my favorite times of the year, because the staff becomes creative and competitive. Creative, competitive and sneaky.

Now, I’m sure you’re familiar with how the Secret Santa game works. We all draw names from a hat to find out who we have. Then we sneak a small gift into their office for 5 days, and on the fifth and final day, we try to guess who our Secret Santa is!

This may not seem like a very competitive game, but we MAKE it competitive. The goal is not to get caught while you’re being Secret Santa in someone’s office. This is easier said than done, because we are always trying to catch each other! We try to be stealthy, waiting for someone to be out at an appointment, or to leave their office to go to the restroom, then we do our best to secretly walk down the hallway.

Try to imagine your friendly neighborhood adoption social worker walking down the hallway with a present under their shirt, or coming in after hours when no one is in the office to ensure no one will see. The hoops we jump through to not get caught are endless.  We haven’t resorted to Army crawling and camouflage, but I wouldn’t rule it out.

It’s now time for the games to begin! Wish us luck as we make memories by becoming the stealthiest of social workers all for the sake of Secret Santa! Hopefully none of us get caught!

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