Types of Adoption

Types of Adoption

Some birth parents do not want contact with the adoptive family for personal reasons. In these cases, Child Connect is still set up. Adoptive Families are required to post photos at 1,2,3 and 6 months of age and yearly until the child turns 18.

In some cases when a birth mother chooses a semi-open adoption or closed adoption, when the child is older, he or she may request to meet the birth family. In these cases, Gift of Life Adoptions will try to reach the birth parent and if the birth parent is comfortable with a phone call or visit, this will be facilitated through Gift of Life Adoptions.

The Florida Adoption Reunion Registry is always an option and was established as a process for adult adoptees and birth parents to connect.

Open Adoption

This type of adoption is a wonderful option but takes work and time from both birth families and adoptive families. During the initial stage of this relationship your birth mother advocate will assist with phone calls and visits pre delivery. After delivery and adoption consents are complete, independent contact will develop. This requires relationship building between birth parents and adoptive families and a level of trust to be established. Both parties are equally responsible for making this type of adoption work and just like any relationship you may have there is kindness, consideration, love, and support, but this relationship goes one step further and has the best interest of the child at heart. For the best interest of the child, this relationship needs to be positive, healthy, and supportive to be maintained.

There are varying degrees of openness and can include any of the following: Phone conversations, texting, visits pre- and post-delivery, shared photos, and Child Connect for messages and photos. This level of contact needs to be flexible and just like with any relationship, it can develop over the course of time.

Semi-Open Adoption

In a semi-open adoption, there is some level of contact. There may be letters, phone call(s) pre delivery, visit(s) pre delivery, and a visit at delivery between the birth family and adoptive family. This will be done based on your comfort level and your birth mother advocate will always be with you for support and guidance. In a semi-open adoption, most of the contact occurs prior to the birth of your baby or at delivery.

Child Connect is set up after delivery between the birth family and adoptive family. You are provided a login and password which allows messaging and photos to be shared. Photos are shared at 1,2, &3 months of age, at 6 months of age, and every year until the child turns 18.

Closed Adoption

Some birth parents do not want contact with the adoptive family for personal reasons. In these cases, Child Connect is still set up. Adoptive Families are required to post photos at 1,2,3 and 6 months of age and yearly until the child turns 18.

In some cases when a birth mother chooses a semi-open adoption or closed adoption, when the child is older, he or she may request to meet the birth family. In these cases, Gift of Life Adoptions will try to reach the birth parent and if the birth parent is comfortable with a phone call or visit, this will be facilitated through Gift of Life Adoptions.

The Florida Adoption Reunion Registry is always an option and was established as a process for adult adoptees and birth parents to connect.