Every Thanksgiving the Gift of Life staff gathers together, as an office family, to celebrate all that we are thankful for and also to share a delicious brunch.
The spread was impressive.
It’s one of those things where everyone brings in a dish, and there is more food than our small office can possibly consume in one sitting.
We have brunch around the same table where we gather together to have lunch on a regular basis. Working in the world of adoption can be emotionaly taxing, taking the time to sit and talk, laugh and encourage each other has become invalueable to us.
Working in adoption makes us value the encouragement and comrodery of our coworkers, but it also reminds us that we have so many things to be thankful for.
As part of expressing our gratitude, every thanksgiving Gift of Life helps one of our former birth parents by providing them with thier Thanksgiving meal. The meal had a turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, dressing, sweet potato casserole and stuffing. This particular birth mom has two sons that she is raising on her own and a third child that she placed for adoption last year She was able to get back to work once her adoption was completed and we wanted to give her a little blessing this year by providing her a Thanksgiving meal.
Gift of Life has amazing birth moms that inspire us with their courage, awesome big hearted families, and the privilege of being a part of precious children lives. All in all, we have so much to be thankful for, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day.