Name: Jason & Kim – Placed

We are so thankful to you for your bravery in considering adoption. It must take great courage and grace to make this decision. We believe that this is a huge sacrifice and we have great respect for that. The love you display by doing this selfless act will be shared with your child
always. We wish you courage and strength throughout this process.

We have so much love to share with a child and we are excited to have the opportunity to expand our family through adoption. If we are given this privilege to adopt your baby, always know we will unconditionally love and cherish your child and they will forever
know the sacrifices you have made out of love.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read our story. We wish you all the best in everything you do, especially in the coming months when you will be faced with some tough decisions. We respect your decision to follow your heart and pray that God will give you strength and courage along the way. We hope to have a level of openness that you are comfortable with. We hope to speak to you soon!

Jason & Kim

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