Not all parents, that are working a case plan with the state, know that they have the option to choose private adoption.

According to Florida law, a parent may place a child for adoption with a private adoption agency even if the child is under the jurisdiction of the juvenile dependency court and in foster care, and as long as no final judgment of termination of parental rights has been entered. This is called an Intervention.

There are many frustrated and scared mothers or fathers who have a case plan with the state, and find that they are in the situation where the state is moving forward to termination of their parental rights, and now we can help. We know that this is a scary and lonely place to be for these parents and we are glad that we can help them take some control in this area.

They can chose to make a private adoption plan, select an approved adoptive family for their child or children, and they can meet the adoptive family that they have select. They will also receive pictures and letters updates until their child or children are 18 years of age.

We are always happy to add approved adoptive parent, who have a heart for an older child or possibly sibling group, to our collection of Gift of Life Families. Gift of Life creates transition plans for the children and the adoptive family.  We are able to be an emotional support throughout the placement and thereafter.

Gift of Life is excited that we get to be part of this process of making forever families.

Please contact Gift of Life Adoptions for further information.

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