Adoption Questions


 Your family needs to understand that you are not “giving your baby up for adoption”. You are making a loving decision to place your baby with adoptive parents. We know this is not an easy decision to make and it can be even more difficult without the support of your family and friends. A birth mother looking for adoptive parents to love and care for her child is not a selfish or easy decision. Gift of Life Adoptions can help you have this conversation with your family and friends. We have qualified case managers and counselors who can assist you. Many times family and friends just don’t know enough about adoption to have an informed opinion so making them a part of your adoption plan, sharing the adoptive family profiles or even inviting them to a meeting with the adoptive parents can help them to understand and support your decision.

Gift of Life Adoptions has a pool of approved adoptive families for you to choose from. All prospective adoptive families have had extensive background checks, reference checks, medical exams, work references and comprehensive home visits and interviews to meet the standard requirements during the home-study process.  Every prospective adoptive family has to go through a variety of steps in order to become approved for adoption.

  • Can I meet the adoptive parents? 

Yes, you may choose to meet the adoptive parents. It is a great opportunity for you to learn more about their personalities, family life, activities, etc. Remember, they are just as curious about you as you are about them (and just as nervous). If you don’t feel comfortable with a face to face meeting, we can also arrange a telephone conference or pass on a letter to the family from you.

  • Will my child be able to find me if they want to search for me? 

The State of Florida has an Adoption Reunion Registry. You will be provided this information at the meeting with an Adoption Coordinator. Once you register, the child will be able to contact you after he/she reaches the age of eighteen.

  • What happens when I go into labor?

 We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Once you go into labor, please call our office and we will make the necessary arrangements to meet you at the hospital.  You will not sign any paperwork making the adoption legal until you have been medically discharged OR it has been 48 hours since you delivered.  Once the legal documents are signed, placement with the adoptive parents will occur. The baby will go home with the family following the hospital discharge. Up until that point, you can have as much contact with the family and/or baby that meets your comfort level. You can also take pictures and keepsakes (i.e. crib card, hat, etc). This is a very sensitive time and Gift of Life Adoptions will provide as much support as you need.

  • Can I name the baby and have a copy of the birth certificate?

You may choose to name the baby on the birth certificate. Once the adoptive parents finalize the adoption, the child’s name will be legally changed to his/her adopted name. However, the name that you choose will be on the child’s original birth certificate which will be provided to you at your request.

  • What do I need to tell you about the birth father? 

In order to comply with Florida statutes, it is very important that you provide as much information as possible about the birth father. Whatever the situation may be, even if he is unaware or not involved, we need any details you can provide.  We will meet the Birth Father wherever is most convenient and help him complete all the necessary paperwork.

  • Can Gift of Life Adoptions help me financially?

Gift of Life Adoptions provides assistance with pregnancy related living expenses such as rent, utilities, food, maternity clothes and gas or travel expenses.  These expenses are provided during pregnancy and for six weeks following delivery.  Medical and other expenses are available on a case by case basis. Your caseworker will meet with you to create a monthly budget that can help meet your financial needs.

We would love to talk to you about your options. Feel free to give us a call at 727-549-1416 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or Click on Message (which is located at the bottom right-hand side of your screen) if you would like to talk to someone in our office right now.