Adoption Program Services

Each person has their own expectations of what they desire for their adoption plan. Because each person has different needs, our services are flexible to meet your specific situation. Our role in your adoption plan is to support your decision by offering quality client-centered services to meet your expectations. The following is a list of adoption plan options:

Financial Assistance

We understand the financial stress an unplanned pregnancy can cause and we are here to help. You can receive living expenses during your pregnancy and for six weeks following the birth of the baby until you are able to get back on your feet. Your caseworker will sit down with you and complete a monthly budget based on your financial needs. Those expenses can be used for things such as rent, utilities, transportation, food and other monthly needs.

Pictures and Letters

Pictures and Letters are available to you following the placement of your child with the adoptive parents. These pictures and letters are sent to you once a month for the first three months, once at six months and then annually until the child turns 18 years old.  If you desire more open, direct contact with your child’s adoptive parents (such as texts, scheduled phone calls, or a completely open adoption), please discuss these options with your caseworker. You may also write a letter to the baby regarding your adoption decision and/or send a gift with the baby at placement as a beautiful keepsake for the family.

Selection of the Adoptive Parents

You may select the adoptive parents for your child from autobiographies that they create. The autobiographies may include an introductory letter, pictures of the prospective adoptive couple, their home and family life, how they met and why they have chosen adoption. Once you have selected the adoptive parents, their autobiography becomes yours to keep.

Meeting the Adoptive Parents

You may also choose to meet the couple you have selected, before or after the delivery. These meetings are usually very informal and give you a better opportunity to feel connected to the people you have chosen as prospective parents.

Case Management

At Gift of Life Adoptions each birth parent will have their own case manager that comes directly to you, anywhere in the State of Florida. The role of the case manager is to provide support, coordination, and advocacy during your adoption plan. You can call your case manager with questions about the adoption process, selecting adoptive parents, the hospital experience, or what happens after placement.  We also offer Peer-to-Peer Support from past birthmoms.  These moms have been exactly where you are – they have each lovingly placed their babies with adoptive families and know what it takes to be a healthy and strong birthmom.


At Gift of Life Adoptions each birth parent has the opportunity to receive counseling from counselors who are experienced in adoption. Counseling can occur at any point during your adoption plan. Counselors are available to discuss your thoughts and feelings about your adoption plan, development of a support system, and grief and loss. Your case manager will work with you and your counselor to make sure that you are getting the most support possible during your time with Gift of Life Adoptions and after.

Community Resources

Gift of Life Adoptions case managers will provide birth parents with information about community resources to help them better meet their needs. Availability of community resources is based on the area in which the birth parent lives. Case managers are also available to help birth parents with the Medicaid and food stamp process if needed.

We would love to talk to you about your options. Feel free to give us a call at 727-549-1416 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or Click on Message (which is located at the bottom right-hand side of your screen) if you would like to talk to someone in our office right now.