There are a lot of things to consider when figuring out how to place a baby for adoption.  It’s hard to know where to start.  Many moms might sit at a computer and google “giving baby up for adoption”, “looking for adoptive couples” “Putting my baby up for adoption” or “Florida Adoption Agency”.

There are a lot of questions and concerns that come to mind when you begin to think about the adoption process.  To help answer some of the commonly asked question we’ve complied a list of difficult adoption questions, which we will go over in this blog series called “Difficult Adoption Questions”

This first blog covers what questions might come up as you start the process.

Should I give my baby up for adoption?

This is a question only you can answer.

But when we first meet with potential birth parents, we often discuss what resources are available to them.  It’s important to think through the sort of financial situation you are in, as well as what sort of emotional support you have built into your life.

We are always more than happy to chat with you about your options, so that you can feel that you have all the information you need during this difficult time of consideration.

This decision is yours and no one else’s; we are only here to help you make an informed one.  And, if you choose to make and adoption plan with us, to make sure you have the respect and support you deserve throughout the process.

How to give a child up for adoption?

The first thing to get out of the way is that we try not to use the phrase “give a child up for adoption.” We don’t like the phrase “give up” for adoption because it doesn’t seem to entail all the love and detail that the birth parents put into the decision and the process.

Your adoption plan will be just that, a carefully thought out plan.  A plan you will work through with your counselor, your support group, and the couple. We like to say “place your baby for adoption” because it better represents the conscious action you are making for your child.

Having all that been said, the first step is to gather more information.  You can learn about the adoption process online or feel free to call or chat with the agency of your choosing.  Any agency should be more than happy to talk you through every step of the process.

With Gift of Life the first step is just that phone call, email, or online chat.  From there we can meet with you in person wherever you are.  Paperwork doesn’t need to be signed until you are comfortable with your decision.  We are always happy to just sit and talk about adoption.

Will it cost me anything to put my baby up for adoption?

Not at all.  Although there is grief and joy in the process of putting your baby up for adoption, there will be no financial cost to the birth parents.  Actually we will be able to provide you with living expenses during this difficult time.

Does placing my baby for adoption involve DCF?

Not always.

If DCF has not been actively involved in your life before, than they are not involved in the adoption process at all.  We are a private adoption agency that is outside of the state system.

If you are pregnant and have an open or active case plan with DCF concerning one of your other children, your DCF worker might need to know the plans for the child you are carrying.  It is the same if you have children that are no longer in your care due to DCF involvement.

If you have a child that is currently in the foster care system, and you retain your parental rights, you are still able to make a private adoption plan. You begin the process by talking to us about your adoption plans, and we intervene on your behalf with DCF.  This process is called an intervention. Feel free to read more about that here.

There are many other difficult questions that come up when considering adoption.

We will cover other topics in this series.  Topics such as :“How can I tell my family I am giving a baby up for adoption?” “Will I meet the family that will adopt my baby?” and “What should I bring to the hospital?”

Keep an eye out for other blogs in the series and if you ever want to discuss any questions you have feel free to give us a call, 727 549 -1416.

Talking about adoption is always our favorite thing to do!

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