Gift of Life Adoptions works with many hospitals and hospital staff in the state of Florida throughout the year. Recently, we had the pleasure of completing an adoption at Healthpark Medical Center in Ft. Myers and the hospital staff could not have been more generous and hospitable to our staff, the adoptive parents, the birth parents and this precious baby.

The Social Worker met with all of us as we arrived at the hospital. She graciously led us to a private room where we were able to sit down and have a sensitive and somewhat emotional conversation outside of the hustle and bustle of a busy hospital. The hospital staff continued to accommodate everyone throughout the baby’s stay and well after the families were gone. I would venture to say that they went above and beyond to help us with a delicate and sometimes difficult situation.

After this adoption was well on its way to finalization, Gift of Life Adoptions and Healthpark Medical Center along with Golisano Children’s Hospital agreed to set up an adoption training for the staff so we could continue to move forward with the wonderful relationships we were developing. Things work more smoothly when everyone is on the same page and knows the policies, laws and expectations involved in a Florida adoption.

In February, two Gift of Life Adoptions staff members, along with one of our fantastic interns were able to present an adoption training to approximately 12-15 Case Managers and NICU staff.  Since it was lunch time, we brought some sandwiches and chips so the staff could eat while we presented our training.

The one hour training went very well. We received some great feedback and I think everyone learned something new. Thank you to the staff at Healthpark Medical Center and Golisano Children’s Hospital! We look forward to seeing you again in the near future.

For anyone interested in having Gift of Life Adoptions come to your facility to conduct an educational adoption training, feel free to call us at 727-549-1416. We would love to hear from you!

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