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Preparing (Or Not) for Adoption

Preparing (Or Not) for Adoption

Preparing (Or Not) for Adoption Bringing home a new child requires plenty of advance preparation, whether you’re giving birth or adopting. Adoption brings a host of new concerns about whether parents are doing enough to make themselves ready for this new child. Prospective parents spend months pouring over literature, looking at infant pictures, and researching the very best ways to…

I Wished for You by Marianne Richmond

I Wished for You by Marianne Richmond

I Wished for You by Marianne Richmond “Mama,” said Barley. “Tell me again how I’m your wish come true.” Barley is a little bear asking about his birth story, as many adoptees do. Mama Bear explains to Barley that he was wished for and the story elaborates on the process that Mama Bear went through to bring Barley home. All…

Adoption Counseling

Adoption Counseling

Adoption Counseling What do you think of when you hear the word counseling? Some might consider counseling a place for “other people.” Perhaps you consider counseling to be a place for people with mental health issues or for people who can’t keep their emotions in check on a day to day basis. Maybe counseling is for the weak. Maybe there…

10 Common Reasons for Putting a Child Up for Adoption

10 Common Reasons for Putting a Child Up for Adoption

10 Common Reasons for Putting a Child Up for Adoption Many birth mothers struggle with the idea of creating an adoption plan for their baby. Oftentimes, they wonder if their reasons for placing their child for adoption are good enough or understandable. Will she be judged for carrying a child to term and selecting someone else to raise it? Making…

Transracial Adoption

Transracial Adoption

Transracial Adoption We have all seen the covers of People magazine featuring the beautiful photos of Sandra Bullock carrying her chubby thighed, smiley faced, African american baby boy or Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with their gaggle of children of all different colors, shapes and sizes looking so regal and trendy. Thirty years ago, these families would have been viewed…

Sam’s Sister

Sam’s Sister

Sam’s Sister by Juliet C. Bond and illustrations by Dawn W. Majewski In the adoption world, we explore the experience of an adopted child quite a bit – and with good reason. It’s imperative as adults that we are aware of a child’s perspective and how they process big feelings in life. We’re their guide to how to conceptualize, process…

5 Things To Remember When Talking To A Birth Mother

5 Things To Remember When Talking To A Birth Mother

5 Things to Remember When Talking to a Birth Mother Talking with the birth mother of your potential child is a nerve-wracking experience for all parties involved. Adoptive families often wait patiently for the possibility of a match with a prospective birth mother, and the first conversation can be especially terrifying. Is there a possibility that the connection won’t be…

Why Do Parents Place Their Child for Adoption?

Why Do Parents Place Their Child for Adoption?

Why Do Parents Place Their Child for Adoption? Many myths exist in the adoption world regarding why a birth mother would make the decision to place her child in an adoptive home. Stigma can surround a woman who is attempting to give her child the very best possible future, but it doesn’t need to be that way. These women (and…

Adoption Through the Years

Adoption Through the Years

Adoption Through The Years It’s no wonder that most people have been touched by adoption in some way. Maybe you’re an adoptee, adoptive parent or birth parent. Or, you know someone who is. At the very least, you probably have a friend, co-worker or acquaintance who is apart of the adoption triad. Adoption isn’t a new concept in our society.…