Adoption Info

What to Know About Adoption Tax Credits

What to Know About Adoption Tax Credits

What to Know About Adoption Tax Credits Everyone knows that adoptions can get expensive. Many hopeful adoptive families talk about tax credits and how they can help with adoption fees. However, it is hard to know what tax credits you might be eligible for as well as when they will help your current financial situation. Learn more about these essential…

How Long Does It Take to Adopt A Child?

How Long Does It Take to Adopt A Child?

How Long Does It Take to Adopt A Child? While every hopeful adoptive parent would love a quick adoption process, in most cases, the wait can be long. However, some stories end up getting passed along throughout the world of adoption. One of the best things to remember about adoption is that no two stories are alike. If you have…

Do I Have to Be Married to Adopt A Child?

Do I Have to Be Married to Adopt A Child?

Do I Have to Be Married to Adopt A Child? Many of those who contemplate adoption don’t always know if they can. While it is true that there are plenty of rules, many people assume that they can’t adopt because of certain lifestyle aspects. Each state has different laws when it comes to adopting a child within its borders. Adoption…

What Do I Do After the Adoption Is Finalized?

What Do I Do After the Adoption Is Finalized?

What Do I Do After the Adoption Is Finalized? Many adoptive parents feel a sigh of relief when the adoption is finalized. This means that all of the court documents have been signed, all of the money has been paid, and that your child is finally yours. While the long journey of adoption is over, there are still some things…

Different Ways to Finance Your Adoption

Different Ways to Finance Your Adoption

Different Ways to Finance Your Adoption Adopting a child, whether domestically or internationally, is an expensive process. Many hopeful adoptive families try to spend as little out of pocket as possible. While there are free adoption options if you go through the state foster system, it is likely that you will spend a lot during the process of bringing your…

Why Adoption Is A Good Choice For Teen Pregnancies

Why Adoption Is A Good Choice For Teen Pregnancies

Why Adoption Is A Good Choice For Teen Pregnancies As a teenager, finding out that you are pregnant can be devastating news. Most teen pregnancies are not planned which can make it hard for young birth moms to decide what to do. However, choosing to carry a baby with the end result of adoption can be a beautiful way to…

Top 5 Reasons To Adopt A Child

Top 5 Reasons To Adopt A Child

Top 5 Reasons to Adopt A Child Growing your family through adoption is a journey. Every adoptive family looks different from the number of children in the home to the different ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds of the adoptive parents. Adoption is a beautiful way to build a story of love, devotion, and care for the future. There are many reasons…