This time of year always brings out a number of emotions for me.  I’m excited to get 2016 done and over with, but I’m a little sad to see the year pass, because it’s been kinda wonderful.

One of those wonderful memories is Gift of Life’s Thanksgiving work family get together or GOLA -giving, if ya will.

This is typically held at the office, but this year we decided to mix it up a bit. I volunteered my home to my work family for our annual sit down, and let me tell you; it was an amazing time.

The evening was spent passing work stories back and forth, sharing news about our lives, and cracking jokes. The night of course didn’t go without some hiccups.  I don’t want to go into too many details but, in the future, one of our staff members will think twice before putting a metal pan in the microwave.

The time we spent together sharing our meal was certainly time well spent.

Gift of Life is not only thankful for each other, but we’re also thankful for all of our clients. Whether they be an adoptive family or birth parents, our clients always have something to teach us.

So this year, I’m thankful for the wonderful moments and people in my life. I’m thankful I get to help bring families together, and I’m thankful that I get to work with the people I do.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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