As I look around my office, I notice all of the baby photos displayed on my wall from my past clients. I am reminded of the memories attached to each one, and I can’t help but feel a little heavy hearted today.

In the recent weeks, I have done a lot of transitioning here at Gift of Life Adoptions from moving into a different position to literally moving into a different office.

For many years my position was working primarily with our birth mothers and helping them throughout their adoption plan. Many times I have been in delivery rooms with my clients being their support person cheering them on, as well as, later holding their hand during one of the most difficult decisions of their lives.

I have watched these women bravely place their babies for adoption to anxious and excited adoptive parents countless times.  Every time I got to be a part of this special and emotional event, I was always overwhelmed with countless feelings.  The memory overwhelms me still.

Being a birth mom caseworker comes with a lot or responsibilities. It was my job to ensure that my client was educated on how adoption works in Florida and connected to the community resources that were appropriate.  It was also my job to emotionally support her during her tough days, help her find a doctor that she is most comfortable with, and develop a hospital plan.

The list goes on and on because Gift of Life always attempts to be a catalyst for change in our birth parents lives. But, in truth, watching their courage changes our lives in so many ways.

In this transition, I’d like to take a moment to send a message to each and every one of these women I have met.

My message to you all is that, as your caseworker, I cared for you and always had your best interest on the forefront of my mind. On your darkest days I always tried to bring some light to you whether it be a shoulder to cry on, a dilemma we solved, or just to make you laugh with a joke. Adoption is a rollercoaster of emotion, and I made it a point to be as present as I could be while you had your ups and downs.

I can’t express how happy I am to get letters, calls, or texts from past clients telling me that they finished their GED, or they recently got a new job. It’s so touching that they still want to update me on their life.  Hearing their ongoing success and strength NEVER gets old.

What I want my clients to take from this is that I am honored that I was able to walk with them during their adoption plan, and without their bravery and strength, I would not be the woman I am today.

Thank you to all of you!

-Jennifer Mesen

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