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Hats Off To Healthpark Medical Center In Ft. Myers

Hats Off To Healthpark Medical Center In Ft. Myers

Gift of Life Adoptions works with many hospitals and hospital staff in the state of Florida throughout the year. Recently, we had the pleasure of completing an adoption at Healthpark Medical Center in Ft. Myers and the hospital staff could not have been more generous and hospitable to our staff, the adoptive parents, the birth parents and this precious baby. The…

A Cyber Renovation

A Cyber Renovation

Gift of Life has been facilitating Florida Adoptions for over twenty years. As a result, the ways we’ve reached and informed our clients have changed vastly over the years. From newspaper and yellow pages to google and twitter. So, recently we decided to do a little cyber renovations. Every house eventually needs some renovations. There comes a day when those…

On The Road In Sumter County

On The Road In Sumter County

At Gift of Life Adoptions, we are always looking to develop new relationships with other resources and agencies in Florida. Today, I decided to jump into my car and introduce Gift of Life Adoptions to some new faces and new facilities in Sumter County. My first stop was at the Bushnell Health Department, in Bushnell Florida. Bushnell is a small,…

Toddler adoption: Sara and Dylan’s Story

Toddler adoption: Sara and Dylan’s Story

Toddler adoption is always a bit different than your typically infant adoption. A lot of times Gift of Life gets to know these kiddos, and their moms, during the adoption process. When I think of toddler adoption, I always think of one particular little boy and his mother. This is the story of Sara and Dylan. Sarah was one of…



Earlier this week, I came across an article about a birth mom that had formed a support group to encourage other mothers that had also placed their child for adoption.  Rachel is a wonderful example of taking a difficult experience and using it to give back to others. Gift of Life has established a similar system with the program we…

Difficult Adoption Questions Toddler Adoption

Difficult Adoption Questions Toddler Adoption

When you think about adoption, you would normally picture a baby leaving the hospital just days after the birth.  You would picture the adoptive couple strapping the little one into a carseat and driving away. While most adoptions involve newborns, several toddler and older child adoptions happen every year. While making the decision to place your child for adoption is…

True Adoption Story: Just Mom

True Adoption Story: Just Mom

I’m just a mom. In 1990, in a small-town courthouse in Southern Minnesota, the adoption of our two daughters became final. I have never forgotten the judge’s last statements to us, or the feeling of finality that it gave me. “These children are now yours forever and ever, just as if they had been born to you.” We had wanted…

Nouveau Depart

Nouveau Depart

I always go into January a buzz of energy.  With the sloth and gluttony of holidays behind me, I enter these first few days of the year all fired up. One of the reasons that this happens is because social media is plastered with “inspirational” meme’s about “starting again”.  I read these meme’s and am filled with the sense of,…